Talon Game

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Version 1.2 released; new game mode, new map, misc improvements

#1 2014-01-06 10:59:08

Beta Tester
Registered: 2013-09-27
Posts: 103

The Hallway (Released)

Quite a small rectangular level.

Made entirely in Torque Constructor, which crashed a depressing number of times.
Download Here

Extract the .zip to C:/Games/Talon (right click, extract all, use C:/Games/Talon unless you installed it somewhere else. The files will all go into the right place. Let me know if you have problems.

It's pretty intense with bots, as the computer puts lots of them in, and there's quite a bit of carnage. The hallway is nice and tall, and so the dogfighting is good. It plays slightly better as an anarchy level than as a capture-and-hold because it's hard to hold the zones for long enough. Most games it ends up with only 20-30 occ points between the two teams after half an hour.

It's symmetrical, and the whole thing (pretty much) can be summed up in these two image:

I'm starting to get a feel for the Torque Constructor and the Mission Editor, so hopefully some better looking stuff will start appearing soon. I've got some sketches on a pad of paper sitting next to me, waiting to get built.
(BTW, I really really like that to navigate in the Mission Editor you use your own keybindings. Really impressive textures you've got there as well.)

Last edited by sdfgeoff (2014-01-07 01:24:44)


#2 2014-01-06 11:52:51

From: Clarksville, TN
Registered: 2013-11-12
Posts: 97

Re: The Hallway (Released)

Cool! I can't wait to check it out


#3 2014-01-07 00:24:16

Beta Tester
Registered: 2013-09-27
Posts: 103

Re: The Hallway (Released)

Added download. Have a play, and have fun.
I won't be editing this level (unless someone finds a problem), but suggestions for future levels are more than welcome


#4 2014-01-07 02:07:14

From: Clarksville, TN
Registered: 2013-11-12
Posts: 97

Re: The Hallway (Released)

Freakin awesome! I can imagine some pulse pounding anarchy in the future! I wont be able to play tonight, dealing with car trouble due to this cold front.


#5 2014-01-07 07:03:00

From: Thuringia
Registered: 2013-12-26
Posts: 42

Re: The Hallway (Released)

Very nice. Good work sdfgeoff.

I wonder if it would be possible to make the big white door in the middle hallway constantly opening and closing. (This more as a general question about what is possible with the map editor. It's clear to me, that in your map it's just a different textured 'wall').


#6 2014-01-07 07:52:19

Beta Tester
Registered: 2013-09-27
Posts: 103

Re: The Hallway (Released)

I also wondered that, just out of interest to see the impact on the gameplay. I seem to recall in Descent, there were some forcfields in some levels that did annoying things (descent maximum anarchy levels). They'd switch on after a player flew past, stopping anyone chasing unless they were really close.

Scott? What's the word on scriptable in-game elements?


#7 2014-01-07 13:58:27

From: Clarksville, TN
Registered: 2013-11-12
Posts: 97

Re: The Hallway (Released)

I had a lot of fun on this level last night and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you can come up with.


#8 2014-01-07 18:05:42

the lounge's pet leopard
From: some other reality
Registered: 2013-09-16
Posts: 81

Re: The Hallway (Released)

Very chaotic level.

We live in a universe...                                                                    it's distracting
beware of ounce


#9 2014-01-07 18:05:57

the lounge's pet leopard
From: some other reality
Registered: 2013-09-16
Posts: 81

Re: The Hallway (Released)

Very chaotic level.

We live in a universe...                                                                    it's distracting
beware of ounce


#10 2014-01-07 23:56:39

Rookie Member
Registered: 2013-12-26
Posts: 9

Re: The Hallway (Released)

yeah this level kick major ass. and splotchie is super sneaky!


#11 2014-01-08 00:23:52

Beta Tester
Registered: 2013-09-27
Posts: 103

Re: The Hallway (Released)

I'm really annoyed at Windows 8.1 now, because yesterday it decided it didn't want to see the internet. I know it's nothing wrong with the hardware, because it still works on my linux partition.
And all the troubleshooter can put out is that the DNS server might not be working! Whatever.

Wish I could be playing this with you guys getting advice for the next level.


#12 2014-01-08 21:20:51

Refractory Studios
Registered: 2012-08-07
Posts: 463

Re: The Hallway (Released)

And we have another fun indoor map for Talon! First Killing Box and now this. I'm impressed, guys, seriously. smile This map is great! Again, I haven't played it for very long, but I enjoyed the brief time I did.

The layout is simple, but it's fun! Easy to navigate with just enough vertical space for good close-quarters dogfighting. The textures work is good. The use of framed textures that fit the structure is nice, as it makes the map appear more detailed without adding clutter to the geometry. The lighting is simple, but good. I don't have much to criticize, in part because there isn't too much to the map; but that's fine. For a small map you want to keep it simple, I think, otherwise it can feel cluttered and cramped. This doesn't, despite the small size. Overall I'd say it has a nice appearance and it plays well. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

Oh, and I like the way you packaged it. Unless and until I can provide a better system, I think this approach is best.

sdfgeoff wrote:

Made entirely in Torque Constructor, which crashed a depressing number of times.

It does that, yes. Drives me crazy. mad

(BTW, I really really like that to navigate in the Mission Editor you use your own keybindings.

Yeah. I wish I could do that in Constructor. I want very much to build a full and proper in-game level geometry editor. *sigh* Maybe for Talon II. hmm

Really impressive textures you've got there as well.)

Well thank you. I think they could be better, but I'm working on it. Hopefully I get some time eventually to build more maps, and expand the texture library.

Scott? What's the word on scriptable in-game elements?

Should be do-able. The engine does not have door objects specifically, but Blender should be able to make animated shapes, including doors, which can be controlled via script. And you should be able to include those scripts directly in the .mis file.


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